Welcome to the
International Powerlifting League.

The International Powerlifting League (IPL) is a leading powerlifting organization with representation in several foreign countries. It is the mission of the IPL to provide a world-class international platform, affiliation opportunity, and governing body for affiliates across the globe.
IPL Resources
“The One to Watch.”
Powerlifting Versus Weightlifting
Power Athletes in Motion.
Distinct from weightlifting, a sport made up of two lifts: the Snatch and the Clean-and-Jerk, where the weight is lifted above the head, powerlifting comprises three lifts: the Squat, Bench Press and Deadlift.
Athletes are categorized by sex, age and bodyweight. Each competitor is allowed three attempts at each lift, the best lift in each discipline being added to their total.
The lifter with the highest total is the winner. In cases where two or more lifters achieve the same total, the person with the lightest bodyweight wins.
Thank you for visiting the IPL site! I am Steve Denison, the President of both the IPL and USPA. I was introduced to the sport of Powerlifting in 1983 and competed in my first Powerlifting contest in June 1984 in Roy, Utah in the 220 class squatting 535, benching 375 and deadlifting 545. I became a State referee in 1994, National referee in 1997, and International referee in 2007.
I have trained and competed for 30 years. I have competed in five National Powerlifting Championships from 1993-1995, 2008, and 2012. I took second place honors at the 1995 Senior Nationals in Baton Rouge, Louisiana in the 275 Open. I also took 2nd place in the Open division and 1st place in the 275 Master 45-49 age group in the 2008 Nationals in Providence, Rhode Island. I competed in my first World Powerlifting Championship in November 2008 in Vienna, Austria in the 275 Master 45-49 age group taking 1st in my wt class and age group.